WOMBAT (Work Observation Method By Activity Timing) is a research tool used to collect data when undertaking direct observational studies. WOMBAT allows researchers to use either validated data collection templates or design their own data collection templates tailored to answer their particular research questions or focus on specific professional groups. Thus, WOMBAT can support the collection of data to answer a wide range of questions about: the work of different professional groups; the impact of interventions and reforms; interactions amongst teams; or patients and their care. While originally developed for research in the health domain, WOMBAT can be used in any field.

The key features of WOMBAT include:

  • Continuous recording and automatic timestamping of data
  • Recording of multiple dimensions of observed activities
  • Recording of interruptions and their nature
  • Recording of tasks conducted in parallel (multitasking)
  • Customisable data collection templates in any language
  • Validated data collection templates for comparison with previous research
  • Offline data collection

WOMBAT is comprised of two separate but interlinked components: the WOMBAT iOS App and the WOMBAT Web App. The WOMBAT iOS App enables the collection of data, which are stored on your device until uploaded to the WOMBAT Web App. The Web App is a secure external server where data collection templates are designed, and study data are securely stored.

Contact Us

This initiative has been led by Professor Johanna Westbrook and a team at the Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research, Macquarie University. For further information, please visit our website or send us an email wombat@mq.edu.au.

Centre for Health Systems and Safety Research